CTC Reading Group Meets 2/5
The Unfettered Mind, by Takuan Soho, is the next selection for the CTC reading group. Join in Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 8pm to discuss.
CTC CLOSED today, Wed. Jan. 30
All afternoon and evening classes have been cancelled due to the severe cold weather. Stay warm!
Gumdo Class Canceled 1/12/19
Gumdo class (held Saturdays at 10 a.m.) is canceled for today, Jan 12.
CTC is currently open 1/12/19
CTC is currently open, but check for updates, and use your best judgment when traveling. Be safe!
New YOGA Themes & Class Times
YANG - The active force. You'll learn to sync breath and body movement with vigorous flow, strengthening the muscles and the nervous...